Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thoroughly Modern.

Thoroughly Modern Millie Rehearsal
16 years old

Int. Arts Building. Evening.

[Olivia walks into rehearsal sporting the new extensions she had gotten for her role. Olivia has shown up strangely on time today. She notices that it is only her and her director Bill.]

Olivia, did you get extensions!? [Looking suprised and

[Laughs] Yes! I did! [Twirls around in an Olivia manner.]

Well dont take this the wrong way, but that is sexy!!!

[with defences up, as Bill is a late thirties, early fourties man] Oh... Erm... Thanks Bill.

[Olivia quickly walks away to sit on the stage.]

End Scene.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jr. Mints

Jr. Mint Party
15 years old

Int. Norah's Room. Night time.

[Olivia lays on Norah's bed watching the movie playing on Norah's computer. Norah sits on the floor. Olivia and Norah are joking around and eating Jr. Mints while Tara is in the hallway on the phone arguing with her father. Tara hangs up her phone and enters the room.]

I thought he would never leave me alone! Ugh! [Falls onto bed holding her head in frustration. Tears slide down her cheeks.] Sometimes I think he hates me! Neither of you understand!

Oh well! Isn't this movie the best? ah I just love it so much! Its BEAUTIFUl. I watched it one time with Suzan and after she didn't say anything but, "That was beautiful." She was right!

Tara? Do you want to talk about it? are you alright? Yeah, Norah this movie is good.

[dramatically] No! It's fine. I'm fine. He wants me to stop singing. They already took away letting me do my voice group. I just don't know!

Well... I'm going to be in a play soon. You should ask if you can audition with me! I think that would be really fun and then you could still t sing.

[Excited] I'll ask! It'll probably be a no... But I will ask!

Norah! You should audition too! Then we could all do it together!

Oh, no thanks... The last play I was in was Pirates of Penzance. It was so awesome! I was 10 or so. But I have a problem with doing stuff like that in front of people.

Oh, that's to bad... Well Tara, you really should ask. It would be so fun!

[Olivia smiles to herself thoughtfully and thinks that this time she found her real friends.]

End Scene.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Setting: Gym Locker Room
Time: After gym around 9:00 a.m. 10 th grade.
People: Me, S, J, Extras.

*Changing after playing "Lacrosse" in gym*
S: "Olivia, I don't want this to seem creepy or anything... but your boobs, are HUGE."
Me: "Oh... Erm... Yes..."
J: "It's true..."
S: "Why don't you show them off more?"
Me: "Because I don't want to..."
I think to myself as I grab my bag out of the small locker, 'Why don't I show them off? Flaunt what you've got right? No... No, thats weird. Maybe if I only show a little bit. She'll like me more right?'So I pull my tank top down just a tiny tiny bit.

Sometimes I think to myself, 'Why do I do stupid things? Why do I let people influence me so much? Why couldn't I just do what I know is right? Where is my head?' And then I think of that poem I said over and over again when I was making a bracelet that kept breaking.

try, try, try again,
if at first you dont succeed,
try, try, try agian.

This time i'm going to do it right.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Leaning against the wall,
Just a poster,
Face down,
To avoid seeing it,
I lift it up,
and hand it to someone,
who will do something with it,
I dont look at it,
hopefully its gone for a while.

Friday, July 22, 2011


I had a thought today, that left me flustered into the evening. And while sitting by a campfire with people I almost knew it was that random thought, that kept banging on my head like a woodpecker.

Someday I'm going to have big bird cages at my wedding, filled with exotic birds like Toucans and Parrots and Parakeets and then when I'm married I will let them all out and then ride on a lion with my husband in Africa.

When I told my mother this at a reception later that night, she told me she would not be attending my wedding.

Then later that night, when I was sitting by the campfire, I said to my friend, "Maybe we should go on a walk." Then I just disregarded the thought. And then she kept bothering me. Saying, "We should go on that walk now, we should go on a walk." So then, when we went on a walk they said, "We should go back now, we should go back." What do people want with me?

Wanna know a secret? THAT WASN'T EVEN THE THOUGHT.

Follow me, if you want to know more.